Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday Night Heatz!!1 - September 6, 2009

Heatz!!1 September 6, 2009

Welcome to Sunday Night Heatz!!1 I’m Gorilla Tim Hoss and with me, the incredible Jesse King!

Gorilla, I am hyped up!!!

How could you not be Jess?! Coming off the heels of Rumble in the Jungle, Heatz!!1 is red hot tonight!

At the Rumble, we saw The Puskilla come up short in his bid to win the WWCF Heatz!!1 Championship in the Scramble Cage.

But later in the night, Pushkilla took part in the Guerrilla Rumble, and was one of the final ten Superstars in the match!

Now tonight, we’ll see Pushkilla take on the man that ended his run in the Rumble, Evil M!

Also, we will see Amigo in action when he takes on KCB. And our opening contest is a rematch from two weeks ago, as The Headbanger Man takes on Buck Futter!

Buck Futter V. The Headbanger Man

The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

*Wild Child*
Introducing first, from Kent, England and weighing 263 pounds, The Headbanger Man!

*Walker Texas Ranger Theme*
And his opponent, from Dallas, Texas by way of Tampa, Florida, weighing 265 pounds....Buck Futter!

Buck and Headbanger square off, with Headbanger starting off by slapping Buck across the face. Buck responds with a punch to the mouth and it’s on! Buck whips Headbanger into the ropes and catches him coming back with a over the shoulder drop. As Headbanger get’s to his feet, Buck catches him with a spinebuster! Cover!


Buck climbs to the middle rope and goes for an ax handle blow, but Headbanger catches him with a punch to the midsection. Headbanger suplexes Buck, then hit’s a rolling thunder! Cover!


Headbanger picks up Buck and slam’s him into the turnbuckle, then ties him up in the Tree of Woe. Headbanger bounces off the ropes and hit’s a baseball slide to the face! Buck falls to the mat and Headbanger makes the cover!


Headbanger set’s Buck up for the Double Bass DDT, but Buck reverses it into a double leg takedown and slingshot! Buck pulls a groggy Headbanger Man off the mat and hit’s a powerslam! Cover!


Buck comes off the ropes with a senton splash! He climbs to the top rope for a frog splash, but Headbanger moves! Buck lands on his feet, but Headbanger meets him with a the Blastbeat Powerbomb! Cover!


Here is your winner, The Headbanger Man!

And Headbanger get‘s the win! He‘s two in a row against Buck now!

Gorilla, he has the Hardcore Title in his sights. It‘s only a matter of time before he meets up with Jonathan Michaels, and when that happens, I believe will see a new Champion!

Well, that remains to be seen, but up next, Amigo takes on KCB!

*In a hallway leading to the ring entrance, to himself*

You know, if I was a kind man, I'd say I would pity you KCB for having to take in a major leaguer like myself, but since I'm not, I suggest you just lay down, but even then, you still might not be spared, ha ha ha!

KCB V. Amigo

The following contest is set for one fall, with a 15 minute time limit!

*My Way*
Introducing fir-

As KCB makes his way to the ring, Amigo hammers him from behind! Amigo stomps KCB a few times, before picking him up and slamming him on the ramp! Amigo continues to assault KCB, suplexing him on the floor. Amigo mounts him and fires off several punches. He then pulls KCB up and hit’s an across the knee facebuster! KCB is busted wide open, as Amigo tosses him in the ring! Amigo rolls in as the ref calls for the opening bell! Cover!


Amigo looks surprised, but pulls KCB up and locks on the Iron Claw! KCB struggles, but Amigo releases him, and hit’s the Tombstone! Cover!


Here is your winner, Amigo!

And Amigo with another brutal display!

Amigo rolls to the outside and grabs a steel chair. The referee tries to stop him but Amigo delivers a brutal chairshot! He then starts hammering away on KCB with the chair, as several officials run out to stop him. Amigo nails two referees and one security officer with the chair, then picks up the original ref and Tombstones him on the chair! As the paramedics run out to the ring, Amigo makes his way up the ramp, laughing.

Amigo is one sick hombre, Gorilla! He’s actually derives pleasure from this chaos!

Jess, Amigo is a dangerous man! And up next, we will see another dangerous man, as Evil M takes on The Pushkilla!

Backstage, Evil M is standing by.

Pushkilla. You need to understand. It’s nothing personal. It’s just business. *Evil laugh*

The Pushkilla V. Evil M

The following contest is the main event of the evening, and it is set for one fall.

Introducing first, from The First State, weighing in at 245 pounds, The PushKilla!

and his opponent, from Rockland, weighing in at 310 pounds, Evil M!

Evil and Pushkilla tie up at the bell, and Evil tosses Pushkilla to the mat. Pushkilla pops right back up and tackles Evil to the mat. Pushkilla hammers Evil with lefts and rights, but Evil throws him off! Pushkilla charges again, but Evil catches him in a bearhug! Pushkilla headbutts Evil M, but Evil holds on tight. Killa keeps headbutting him, and when that doesn’t work, Pushkilla bites Evil M! Evil releases the hold, and Pushkilla fires off some punches, followed by a flying shoulder tackle, knocking Evil to the mat! Cover!

Evil throws Pushkilla off of him!

Evil grabs Pushkilla by the throat, but Pushkilla kicks him low and hit’s a clothesline! He follows up with a bulldog and makes the cover!

Evil powers out of the pin!

Pushkilla tackles Evil again, but Evil catches him with a sidewalk slam! Evil comes off the ropes with a legdrop, then locks on a side chinlock! Pushkilla struggles and is able to fight his way out of it! Pushkilla bounces off the ropes with a flying body press, but Evil catches him! Fallaway slam! Cover!

Pushkilla get’s the shoulder up!

Evil stomps Pushkilla and comes off the ropes with a second legdrop! Cover!

Kickout at 2 and 7/8ths!

Evil picks up Pushkilla and tosses him into the corner! Evil charges, but Pushkilla get’s his foot up! Evil stumbles backwards, and Pushkilla whips him into the corner. Pushkilla mounts Evil and begins punching away on him in the corner, as the fans count along!


Evil grabs Pushkilla! Journey to Hell! Cover!


Here is your winner, Evil M!

Evil M with the win!

Gorilla, Evil M has been on a role! He beat Whitey, he beat Colt, he beat Pushkilla, and he was in the final 5 of the Guerrilla Rumble!

Evil M has certainly been dominant lately, but you have to give Pushkilla a lot of credit! He went toe to toe with the Evil One, and looked great!

Indeed he did Gorilla, no denyin’ that, but in the end, Evil M was just too much for him!

Ladies and gentlemen, we are out of time! I’m Gorilla Tim Hoss.

And I’m Jesse King. We’ll see tomorrow night at NiteRaw!

Credits: Evil M and Amigo

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